
Tuesday, May 31, 2011


今週の金曜日は、レッドファーンのジョージストリートにあるマクマホンギャラリーにて、東北大震災のためのチャリティ写真展『SIGNS-kizashi 兆し』のオープニングナイトです☆



Signs 兆し - Photos of Japan for Japan
3rd June - 5th June 2011

 Opening Night: 3rd June 2011 18:00-21:00 



We are putting on a charity exhibition of photographs from Japan, for the benefit of those affected by the recent earthquake/tsunami.

We had planned to hold this exhibition well before the terrible troubles that recently beset Japan, a country and peoples we hold dear to our hearts. We therefore felt it would be appropriate to turn the show into a fundraiser for those most affected by the disaster.

The photographs on show will be very reasonably priced, and net proceeds of all print sales and donations will be given to a suitable Japanese charity.

In that spirit we would encourage you to attend and to show your support if you can by dropping in on the opening night (Fri the 3rd 6-9pm), or over the weekend (12 -6pm). On opening night we will be providing drinks and snacks.

We hope you can come along.


Peter & Julian McMahon

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ オーストラリア情報へ


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